Earn the Right to Call Yourself a Certified QDRO Professional
A great way to enhance your revenues or start a new career
This is Who We Are
The American Association of Certified QDRO Professionals (AACQP™) has been established to create uniformity and for candidates & members to maintain a high standard of quality concerning business professionals involved with the preparation of Qualified Domestic Relations Orders. To achieve this standard of quality AACQP™ has developed courses, exams and practical exercises intended to certify that an individual is fully prepared to service clients with regard to Qualified Domestic Relations Orders and any other related issues. AACQP bestows upon a candidate meeting these standards as a Certified QDRO Specialist (CQS). The AACQP Certification Board is responsible for maintaining a high standard of quality within the certification program and is also tasked with maintaining a professional organization that represents the profession of QDRO Specialist and Analysts.
This is How You Become Certified
Simply click a module as required and proceed to the payment page. Materials will be mailed to you. You can elect to take the entire course online by clicking on the entire course icon, or purchase each module individually. Hard-copy (loose-leaf) can be mailed as well. Each module has a corresponding exam that must be passed.
Once all four (4) module exams have been passed, simply click on Final Exam. Please note if your firm, or industry, requires a proctored exam then it will be administered separately by SMT at a designated location in your area. The proctored exam is a closed book exam.

Course Materials
Purchase your CQS Certification Materials Right Here.
Ready to take the SMT test today!
Click the link below and . be redirected to take the SMT test now!
Hear What Others Had To Say About The Program.

Diane C. Pappas
Solutions For Divorce LLCI am very impressed with the level of detail and content in the CQS™ course materials. This highly specialized work can be daunting, but I am confident that I now have the knowledge and skills needed to build this part of my practice. The hard copy 900-page course binder is…

Stephen P.
Great for paralegals and human resource professionals confronted with QDRO issues.

Cheryl S.
Out of all the QDRO courses I've seen on this subject this one is the most informative and practical.

Adam Waitkevich, CDFA
ADFA, CFP, Divorce Financial Solutions, LLCThe four modules help candidates better address the wide gap between the financial and legal side of divorce when dealing with dividing or valuing retirement accounts.

Donna Cheswick, CDFA
Cheswick Divorce Solutions LLCThe course material provides all the knowledge and information needed to understand the nuances to be proficient in preparing QDROs and like orders. The CQS curriculum exceeded my expectations and upon completion of the certification, having access to the instructor, and his expertise has been invaluable.