
Administration of Module Test

AACQP utilizes the services of ISO Quality Testing for online examinations and proctored exams. The end of module test are for your benefit in passing the CQS certification exam. It is informal exam taken online through SMT/ISO Quality Testing. The initial exam fee is included in the Module fee for the course. If the candidate is required to retake the end of module a test a fee of $20 is required.

Administration of the Final CQS Certification Exam

The final CQS certification exam is offered in two formats. The online final exam is for those who are not required to take proctored exam. The non-proctored exam is similar in format as the end of module test. Once the candidate successfully passes the final certification exam, their certification is renewed each year by paying the association fee for AACQP. The AACQP Certification Board will then issue a certificate of completion qualifying the individual to be deemed a Certified QDRO Specialist.

For those candidates, e.g. investment advisors and others, where the employer or industry requires a proctored exam, the candidate will schedule the exam through SMT/ISO Quality testing to be administered at one of SMT/ISO Quality testing centers.   Candidates are required to sign a Security Affidavit agreeing to abide by all rules and regulations, including the following:

  • 1) Candidates must pre-register with SMT/ISO Quality Testing and will be required at the time of the examination to produce a valid photo identification such as a driver’s license, passport, government issued ID.

  • 2) No Cell Phones, books, papers, texts, references, or calculators are allowed into the examination room. Scratch paper and a pencil will be provided for use during the examination, and will be collected by the test proctor after testing. An on-screen calculator will be available during testing. No electronic devices of any kind are permitted in the testing room. If any are found, the candidate will be disqualified. If at all possible, personal belongings should not be brought to the testing site. If they are, they will be placed in a secure location, and may not be accessed by the candidate during the examination.

  • 3)  No food or drink is allowed in the examination site. Candidates with a specific medical condition (e.g., hypoglycemia, pregnancy, diabetes) requiring the consumption of water or food during the examination period must submit a written request to the AACQP for a special accommodation prior to the examination.

  • 4) At no time during the examination may candidates give or receive help to one another, or communicate in any way. Examination Proctors have the authority to remove a candidate suspected of cheating from the examination room, at which time scores will be cancelled, and disciplinary action will be taken.

  • 5) Candidates are expected to follow all instructions from examination proctors, printed in test booklets and answer sheets, and/or displayed in the computer-testing program.

    6). The examination documents may not be photographed, copied, or reproduced in whole or in part. Violations will result in disciplinary action and/or legal action.  No documents can be removed from the examination area.

The computer-delivered examinations include a detailed five-minute tutorial program designed to give candidates confidence in the use of the program, as well as familiarity with the system prior to beginning the examination. The tutorial questions are for demonstration purposes only, and do not impact examination scores. Candidates are encouraged to take the time to complete the tutorial as it explains the features of the computerized testing system. The candidate name and the name of the examination will be shown at the upper left corner of the screen. If either of these is incorrect, candidates are asked to inform the proctor. A navigation grid is posted on the upper right of the screen, depicting the number of questions on the examination, and the status of those questions (answered, bookmarked for review, or skipped). A digital clock is also posted indicating a countdown of available time. Registered candidates may take a sample test (content is not retirement financial advisor-related) before going to the test site by accessing the testing contractor’s website using the following URL link: https://www.iqttesting.com/Default.aspx?FunctionSampleExam&Exam=8

Candidates will be provided with access to an on-screen scientific calculator during testing. The calculator may be accessed and used as follows:

Candidates may leave the testing room with express permission from the proctor. Candidates must sign out and sign in from the room and must surrender all testing materials when they exit. Exit from the testing room is permitted for washroom and drinking fountain visits only. Candidates may not access cell phones, nor may they leave the building during breaks. Test timing is not paused for these breaks.

Disqualifying behaviors include: 

o Creating a disturbance;

o Aiding or asking for aid from another candidate;

o Any attempt to remove copy, buy, sell, or reproduce testing materials;

o Unauthorized possession of test materials;
o Impersonation of another candidate;
o Use of contraband materials or equipment in the testing site;
o Any falsification or misrepresentation of information provided to AACQP.

AACQP does not offer refunds for examinations.  Candidates may reschedule exams and end of module test prior to 5 working days in advance of the exam or test. 



Administration of Module Test

AACQP utilizes the services of ISO Quality Testing for online examinations and proctored exams. The end of module test are for your benefit in passing the CQS certification exam. It is informal/open book exam taken online through SMT/ISO Quality Testing, HOWEVER, passing the test is mandatory to continue to the next module. The initial exam fee is included in the Module fee for the course. If the candidate is required to retake the end of module a test a fee of $20 is required.

Administration of the Final CQS Certification Exam

The final CQS certification exam is offered in two formats. The online final exam is for those who are not required to take proctored exam. The non-proctored exam is similar in format as the end of module test. Once the candidate successfully passes the final certification exam, their certification is renewed each year by paying the association fee for AACQP. The AACQP Certification Board will then issue a certificate of completion qualifying the individual to be deemed a Certified QDRO Specialist.

For those candidates, e.g. investment advisors and others, where the employer or industry requires a proctored exam, the candidate will schedule the exam through SMT/ISO Quality testing to be administered at one of SMT/ISO Quality testing centers.   Candidates are required to sign a Security Affidavit agreeing to abide by all rules and regulations, including the following:

1) Candidates must pre-register with SMT/ISO Quality Testing and will be required at the time of the examination to produce a valid photo identification such as a driver’s license, passport, government issued ID.

2) No Cell Phones, books, papers, texts, references, or calculators are allowed into the examination room. Scratch paper and a pencil will be provided for use during the examination, and will be collected by the test proctor after testing. An on-screen calculator will be available during testing. No electronic devices of any kind are permitted in the testing room. If any are found, the candidate will be disqualified. If at all possible, personal belongings should not be brought to the testing site. If they are, they will be placed in a secure location, and may not be accessed by the candidate during the examination.

3) No food or drink is allowed in the examination site. Candidates with a specific medical condition (e.g., hypoglycemia, pregnancy, diabetes) requiring the consumption of water or food during the examination period must submit a written request to the AACQP for a special accommodation prior to the examination.

4) At no time during the examination may candidates give or receive help to one another, or communicate in any way. Examination Proctors have the authority to remove a candidate suspected of cheating from the examination room, at which time scores will be cancelled, and disciplinary action will be taken.

5) Candidates are expected to follow all instructions from examination proctors, printed in test booklets and answer sheets, and/or displayed in the computer-testing program.

6). The examination documents may not be photographed, copied, or reproduced in whole or in part. Violations will result in disciplinary action and/or legal action. No documents can be removed from the examination area.

The computer-delivered examinations include a detailed five-minute tutorial program designed to give candidates confidence in the use of the program, as well as familiarity with the system prior to beginning the examination. The tutorial questions are for demonstration purposes only, and do not impact examination scores. Candidates are encouraged to take the time to complete the tutorial as it explains the features of the computerized testing system. The candidate name and the name of the examination will be shown at the upper left corner of the screen. If either of these is incorrect, candidates are asked to inform the proctor. A navigation grid is posted on the upper right of the screen, depicting the number of questions on the examination, and the status of those questions (answered, bookmarked for review, or skipped). A digital clock is also posted indicating a countdown of available time. Registered candidates may take a sample test (content is not retirement financial advisor-related) before going to the test site by accessing the testing contractor’s website using the following URL link: https://www.iqttesting.com/Default.aspx?FunctionSampleExam&Exam=8

Candidates will be provided with access to an on-screen scientific calculator during testing. The calculator may be accessed and used as follows:

Candidates may leave the testing room with express permission from the proctor. Candidates must sign out and sign in from the room and must surrender all testing materials when they exit. Exit from the testing room is permitted for washroom and drinking fountain visits only. Candidates may not access cell phones, nor may they leave the building during breaks. Test timing is not paused for these breaks.

Disqualifying behaviors include:

Creating a disturbance;

o Aiding or asking for aid from another candidate;

o Any attempt to remove copy, buy, sell, or reproduce testing materials;

o Unauthorized possession of test materials;
o Impersonation of another candidate;
o Use of contraband materials or equipment in the testing site;
o Any falsification or misrepresentation of information provided to AACQP.

AACQP does not offer refunds for examinations.  Candidates may reschedule exams and end of module test prior to 5 working days in advance of the exam or test. 

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