Module 3 (CQS III) – Federal Retirement Plans in Divorce – Strategies & Issues (Hard Copy)
Introduction to Federal Retirement Plans in Divorce
CQS III is concentrated on dividing retirement plans associated with the federal government, the largest employer in the country. Emphasis is placed on the treatment of the former spouse and the differences between retirement plans sponsored by the federal government as oppose to those retirement plans in the private sector.
CSRS/FERS vs. Private Sector Pensions
Terms & Definitions Used
What Federal Benefits Are Valued or Divided in Divorce
Accumulated Sick & Annual Leave Pay
Applying Military Years & Affect on Divorce
Computing the Accrued Monthly CSRS/FERS/CSRS Offset Annuity
A Brief Introduction to a Valuation of CSRS/FERS
Retirement Annuity
Pension Valuation Basics
Tax Discounts
Application of Military Years
Determining the Marital Portion
Determining the Marital Portion of the Monthly FERS
/CSRS Annuity
Different Approaches to Defining the Marital Portion
FERS/CSRS In-Pay (Retired)
Options Available to Federal Employees in Divorce
Determining the Value of Survivor Annuity – An Asset to the
Former Spouse
Determining the Cost/Reduction to Provide a Survivor Annuity
under CSRS and FERS
CSRS & Social Security
Difference Between CSRS & FERS
Inequity for CSRS Members
Approaches to Extracting Social Security Element
Windfall Profit Elimination Rule & Other Offsets
Court Order Division – COAP Strategies & Issues I
What Constitutes a “Court Order for Processing”
Historical Perspective
Alimony & Child Support
FERS Supplement
Court Order Division – COAP Strategies & Issues II
Crafting the COAP
Apportioning the Retirement Annuity
Method of Apportionment, Dollar Amount, Percentage, Formula
– Awarding a Fixed Dollar Amount Per Month
– Awarding a Percentage of the Retirement Annuity
– Awarding a Prorata Share at Retirement
– Awarding a Formula or a Fraction
– Additional Benefit Considerations
Addressing the Potential for a Refund of Contribution
Death of a Former Spouse
Death of the Federal Employee Spouse
Completing the COAP
CSRS & FERS Disability Annuity
Computing Disability Retirement Under FERS
Determining What is “Marital”
Suggested Language
Thrift Savings Plan & Divorce Issues
Gains & Losses
Retirement Benefits Court Order
Computing the Marital Portion – Contributions & Earnings
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